Innovative Digital Storage Powered By Gas Files

Over time, people have relied on external servers or space rental on machines to store files in the cloud. However, digital/cloud storage has been faced with problems of size limitations, privacy issues, security vulnerabilities, high cost, to mention a few. Consequently, there has been a quest for better solutions for digital/cloud storage of files. By leveraging the blockchain technology and smart contracts Gas Files has come up with a perfect and limitless solution for digital/cloud storage.
Gas Files is a decentralized storage network that is set to address the challenges faced by the digital/cloud storage industry in a unique way. Gas Files is utilizing the Inter Planetary File System (IPFS) and its private Ethereum blockchain to enable people all over the world store any number of files of any size without limits or security concerns.
Gas Files intends to deliver enhanced Scalability, Security and Resilience.
• Scalability- scaling into the Exabyte range in order to satisfy storage needs of customers irrespective of their storage requirements.
• Security- the system will be decentralized, thereby eliminating security threats
• Resilience- the system will provide better communication among nodes, enabling them to have constant access to their data.
The functionality of Gas Files can be broken down as follows:
 Login to Gas Files Platform using the unique identifier
 Upload files
 Files are encrypted
 Encrypted files are split into shrads
 Audit pre-processing is performed for each shrad
 If approved, shrads are transmitted to the network for storage.
Files submitted to the network are automatically stored of the Gas Files blockchain.
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Here’s how it works:
You sign up to the platform with a secure identifier with 2-Factor Authorization (2-FA), after which you now have access to the private blockchain. Then you select the file(s) you wish to store, and upload it. The file is converted into a line of code and safely stored on the blockchain. At this point, nobody will be able to convert your files or download it. Whenever you wish, you can share your files by simply selecting the files and adding the person(s) you wish to share them with. When you wish to retrieve any file(s), you simply choose the file(s) and select your preferred saving destination. The files are converted back, and saved to the selected destination
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Learn more about Gas Files by Downloading the White Paper at
In order to fully realizethe project, Gas Files will be conducting an ICO of its Token (GAS) which is based on the ERC-20 Ethereum standard. 100 million GAS tokens will be total supply and 1GAS = 0.0003ETH at the beginning of the token sale, with bonuses on a sliding scale, depending on the period of purchase. The sliding bonuses will take place as follows: 30% for the first 24 hours, 20% for the first week, 10% bonus until 2nd March, 2018, and for the final week, there will be no bonuses.
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The Token sale will begin on 9th February, 2018 and end on 9th March, 2018 or at the realization of the hard cap (10,000ETH).
For details on the ICO, and to join, visit
