PITCH ! The Innovative Concept Powered By Blockchain

As often said, keep a paper and a pen by your bedside, for great ideas pop up by 3am. This undoubtedly occur every other time, by it day or night. The human mind/brain is limitless and so are the ideas that manifest from them.
These great ideas or innovations sometimes are still birthed due to many reasons, but chiefly because of lack of capital to actually metamorphose this virtual but incredible idea or innovation into real and beneficial projects, technology etc. Notwithstanding, there are various individuals, companies, cooperatives and government initiatives that are willing to invest and fund great ideas and innovations either for a short term or a long term goal.
Therefore, having various clients willing to invest and yet many great ideas go unnoticed or unheard of, and the technological benefits derivable from such ideas are never realized. This is a gap we must bridge.The solution in bridging this gap is definitely a platform where entrepreneurs can connect with potential customers, share their ideas or innovations with them and if evaluated and accepted by any customer(s), it can be funded and the benefits harnessable from such idea or innovation can be achieved.
Pitch Investors Live Platform is the platform to guarantee the gap bridged. The platform is a software product (app) which is currently accessible from an iOS app, and subsequently from the web and Android devices. The platform connects unrelated entrepreneurs who wants to sell tokens as a means of raising capital, to potential clients who are using the app. https://tokens.pitch.ventures/
How it works:
This platform grants entrepreneurs or project teams the ample opportunity to introduce their ideas or innovations to potential investors via live videos similar to that of the TV shows. The entrepreneur creates a video where s/he explains the nitty-gritty of the idea or innovation s/he is trying to develop, and uploads the video to the platform for the users of the App to watch and make decisions. Also, potential investors can request the entrepreneur or project team to pitch their product highlighting the benefits, costs, risks and other important information via a live streaming video. Other app users can also watch and participate via text.
It is to be noted that this App does not recommend or endorse any entrepreneur(s), it only functions as a medium for connecting entrepreneurs and potential investors, and purchasing particular tokens are solely the decisions of the customer buying them. The sole aim of this project is to create a fair, neutral platform that brings to lime light great ideas or innovations and facilitates public discussion of their merits and faults in a way that can be easily understood by the layman. To read more about the platform, download the whitepaper via the link https://tokens.pitch.ventures/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/PITCH-A-Live-Video-Token-Sale-Platform.pdf
Information about Token:
Pitch Investors Live willoffer ERC-20 tokens called “PITCH”, built on the Ethereum blockchain platform for sale to the public. A limited number of tokens will be supplied and a fraction of it will be available for purchase.
There will be a fixed supply of 1,618,000,000 (1.618 billion) ERC-20 tokens and the token sale will be conducted via Ethereum smart contracts.
Token sale start date is 28th of February, 2018.
20% of the limited number of tokens will be offered via a series of eight (8) rounds, each offering the same number of tokens. And it is broken down as follows:
Tokens will not be tradeable until the token sale concludes. To get more information about token sales and how to purchase tokens, visit https://tokens.pitch.ventures/
You can also follow the platform on social media platforms by clicking on any of the link below
Wallet Address: 0x855382e202d3dcadfda10f62969b38dcee558270
